Through a competition, Frank Gehry won his right to design the Walt Disney Concert Hall. Surprisingly his earlier designs was much more generic, hence great effort was involved to make it what it is today.
Frank's main idea for the Walt Disney Concert Hall to intrest the community and draw people in and he used this to fuel his designs. "The art if Disney Hall doesn't get in the way of people walking in and out. It's inviting... What does the building say to people on the street?, how does it welcome them?" His abstract ideas were not his way of exceeding his capabilities as an elite sportsman would put it, nor did he do it to gain in ranks of weirdest architects. His honest attempts to give architecture a method in communicating with people merely expresses his quirky problem solving techniques.
Through his choice of textures and materials, particularly for it's reflective surfaces the emphasises the shape of his building.
Franke Gehry: The Complete Works / Francesco Dal Co. Kurt W. Forster;